Powder coating is one of the favourite finishing techniques for several reasons. Firstly, it can be employed on an assortment of applications ranging from equipment to vehicles, making it particularly ideal if you plan to coat numerous items at a time. Secondly, powder coating is not vulnerable to cracks, chips and peeling as ordinary paint is, which saves you from spending time re-coating your items after some time.

However, despite its enhanced endurance, powder coating is not invincible to eventual damage. And the rate at which your coating declines will be highly dependent on some factors. This article expounds on just three of the factors that will influence the durability of your powder coating.

The application process

Powder coating your items may seem like a straightforward procedure, but there is much more than meets the eye. As part of the method, it is advisable to prepare the surface of the item through sandblasting. The sandblasting works to eliminate any rusting, previous coatings, dirt and unevenness. Once the surface is smoothened, it should be washed with a phosphate mixture that functions get rid of residual particles and contaminants that could be lingering on the surface.

After the surface is dried, the powder coating can be by electrostatically adhering the pigment onto the surface and then placed in an oven to bake. Each stage of the powder coating process requires precision as well as adequate time to be completed. Thus, it is best to leave this to individuals with professional expertise for extended longevity.

The maintenance of the surface

Granted, finished powder coating is resistant to high impacts and weathering. So while paint can become compromised by dings and scratches, powder coating is bound to fare better. However, as the layer of powder coating ages, its inherent resistance starts to decline. Thus, you need to be very meticulous about the maintenance you carry out on the surface of your items, or you could end up inadvertently damaging the coating.

Rather than utilising industrial strength cleaners that could steadily destroy the surface, only use natural soaps that do not contain harsh chemicals. You should also integrate regular waxing in your maintenance schedule to prevent the coating from becoming brittle by retaining its elasticity.

The repair of damages

As aforementioned, powder coating is not immune to damage. Therefore, you should routinely inspect the surface of your items so that you can notice any visible signs of wear in good time. If you do not repair the coating as damage occur, you will find that the surface of your item becomes at increased risk of corrosion, which will eventually degrade the quality of the entire coating.
